Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India. Show all posts

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Breaching the fiscal deficit target: what’s the big deal?

On February 1, 2017, the big news dominating the headlines was the fiscal deficit target number: 3.2% of GDP.  It seemed the government was well on track with experts expressing their satisfaction over the budget’s focus on fiscal consolidation and the hope that it would comply with the FRBM target of 3% of GDP by 2018-19.  For once, even rating agencies like Standard & Poor and Moody’s “lauded India’s commitment to improve fiscal performance, but said a rating upgrade is still sometime away.”[1]

And then some eleven months later the outcome emerging is something quite different; the government is likely to breach its 3.2% fiscal deficit target stoking “fiscal worries”[2], a dreaded disease that inflicts most mainstream macroeconomists and experts.  Before you get drowned in all the numbers being thrown at you in lakhs of crores and trillions, I attempt to give readers a heterodox economics view drawing upon the tenets of Modern Money Theory (MMT) that allays many unnecessary fears about the fiscal deficit and instead shift focus to what should be the center of discussion.

Fiscal policy consists of two elements; government expenditure and taxes.  The first part of the budget is a statement of government expenditure decided upon at the beginning of the financial year.  Why does the government need to spend?  To achieve its political, economic and social objectives, the government must transfer real resources from the private sector to itself.  It does this by “spending” or literally “buying” goods and services from the private sector using its money or IOUs (I Owe You).  This leads to the most important question in MMT; why does the private sector accept the government’s money or IOUs?  To pay taxes; the private sector must discharge its tax obligations to the state only in the IOUs issued by the government or what we call as legal tender.  Taxes drive (state) money.  This is a critical feature of modern fiat money; the state does not need our money to spend.  Instead, we need the state’s money – that is created when it spends – to discharge our tax obligations to it.

But there is another crucial reason for imposition of taxes – controlling inflation[3] – which brings us to the second part of the budget. When the government spends its money into the economy, more of it will be available with the private sector which may drive up demand for goods and services, resulting in rising price levels or inflation.  To prevent this taxes are imposed on private sector entities in order to drain the economy of excess money injected through government spending.  But the government does not fix the amount of taxes that has to be paid by private agents.  For example, it cannot stipulate that a grocery store will have to pay Rs.100,000 in taxes every year.  What if sales of the grocery store falls drastically during the year?  The government therefore fixes the tax rate as a percentage of incomes, profit or sales.  Ideally income and corporate taxes are considered the most fair especially with progressive rates as well as non-distortionary (in terms of its low impact on relative prices).

Unfortunately, in a country like India where the tax base is abysmally narrow it becomes difficult to drain out government money from this small section of people without recourse to high tax rates – which then has a significant negative impact on incentives.  Instead, the government must resort to indirect taxes – like GST – which obviously has a wider tax base but is unfortunately regressive in its impact on the poor.  But that’s a compromise we have to live with perhaps partial offsetting by a lower tax rate on essential goods and services.

As the economy progresses through the year, the government’s policies as well as a multitude of other factors from private sector sentiments to international trends determines output produced, sales, incomes and profits that directly influence actual tax collections.  Unfortunately, when the economy does not perform as expected, tax collections turn out to be lower too while the deficit widens for any given amount of government expenditure undertaken.  This property of fiscal policy is called an “automatic stabilizer”; the deficit widens during times of poor economic growth and narrows when growth is strong.

At this point, let me digress briefly into what constitutes state money or its IOUs.  When the government buys goods and services from the private sector, your account in a commercial bank will be credited with a certain amount; these are simply tokens or numbers in the books of accounts of all stakeholders.  But the government does not do this transaction directly; instead, its banker (the central bank or the Reserve Bank of India) will credit “reserve money” into the account of the commercial bank which then credits your account with this sum.  This reserve money is the liability of the central bank or what it owes to the private sector.  If the private sector entity wants cash, the “reserve money” is printed on pieces of paper and delivered through the commercial bank so that it is easily exchangeable by private sector agents for transactions between themselves.  What about taxes?  Taxes must be remitted back to the government’s account at the central bank only with “reserve money” or “cash” (printed slips of reserve money).  When a private sector entity pays taxes the commercial bank debits its account and then transfers the same amount of reserve money (which it had earlier received when the government undertook spending) back to the central bank.  Government spending creates reserve money, taxes destroy the same. There is nothing physical about this money; it is essentially a grand bookkeeping system.

In the good ol’ days, the government could ask the central bank to credit its account with as much reserve money it wanted it to in exchange for government promises to pay back later or what is called, government securities or bonds.  The government/central bank would also sell these bonds to the public (and even promise to pay them interest on them) to mop up excess state money floating around in the private sector (untaxed spending) to prevent inflation.  These sale of bonds accumulated over time becomes the infamous and much feared public debt – what we, however, often fail to realize is that the other side of public debt is private sector (financial) assets.  Government bonds are the safest income yielding security that the private sector can hold – would we feel safe parking all our wealth in physical assets (land or gold) or in private sector financial assets (equity shares or commercial paper of companies)?  Obviously not; every individual would aspire that at least a part of his/her wealth be held in government securities or financial assets not backed by any physical asset (the latter could depreciate or at any time, turn bad).  In fact, the curtailing of public debt would force the private sector to save in private sector financial assets – the insecurity may even force the savings rate up and cause a contraction in consumption spending.

Does the government need to borrow in order to spend?  Obviously not; it could simply raise taxes or let inflation accelerate.  Moreover, the fact that the government does not need to borrow before it spends can easily be seen from the fact that bonds must be purchased from the government in exchange for reserve money only.  Just like taxes, spending (injection of reserve money) must precede bond issues (draining of reserve money).

Ever since the rise of neoliberal macroeconomics in the 1980s that sought to restrict the influence of the state in the free market system, fiscal policy was “proven” impotent.  The quantifiable target of government intrusion was the fiscal deficit and it had to be curtailed.  Governments were convinced (or perhaps forced to under the influence of structural adjustment programs of the IMF) that fiscal policy more than anything caused accelerating inflation that threw the free market system out of gear.  Low and stable inflation was made the center of macroeconomic policy so that market forces would propel the economy to full employment. For this, fiscal deficits had to be restricted and if not, “independent central banks” (under the charge of a professional economist) were given the power to set interest rates to mitigate the dangers of rising inflation from fiscal profligacy.  Rating agencies that imbibed and propagated this neoliberal worldview kept nation-states in-check and against deviating from this model.  After all, a de-rating could mean lower foreign exchange inflows (from FDI, ECB and FII flows) and a balance of payments crisis.

A further offshoot of neoliberal macroeconomics was pressure of governments to impose constrains on themselves – like the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act of 2003 – whereby the government must not let the fiscal deficit rise above 3% of GDP and more importantly, it cannot engage in “deficit financing”.  This means that unlike the good ol’ days the government can no longer borrow or get an overdraft from the RBI but has instead to borrow in the market (from the private sector) before it spends. In other words, there must be sufficient money in the government’s account at the central bank before it signs cheques on the private sector.

Does this self-imposed constraint by the government really mean that the government cannot increase its expenditure if required?  Not really; a system[4] Primary Dealers (PDs) and Bank-PDs has been put in place wherein governments will be able to obtain the required amount through mandatory participation of these entities in the bond auctions.  The central bank, however, stands by to provide reserve money to PDs to meet their obligations.  In fact, it can be shown that “the end result is exactly the same as if the central bank had bought directly from the Treasury.” (Tymoigne 2014[5]).

So what I have attempted to show here is that the fiscal deficit or public debt target number is really not important; it cannot and must not be the objective of macroeconomic policy.  All this, however, does not mean there is no big deal on account of the widening fiscal deficit. In fact, there is a critical question that needs to be posed; what went wrong with government policies that brought down the growth rate sharply? And this even as the world is witnessing a kind of economic boom with robust growth, low unemployment and low inflation (although poor real wage growth).  Have the twin shocks of demonetization and GST implementation derailed the economy? Or is the unresolved NPA problem along with low private sector business sentiment suppressing growth?

Deflection from these questions into breaching of fiscal deficit target numbers is fraught with a greater danger – the imposition (with a little encouragement from rating agencies) of austerity measures – which as MMTers have long argued, is bound to take the country down a spiraling path – lower government spending, lower GDP growth, lower tax collections, widening fiscal deficits and therefore the need for even greater austerity!

[3] Taxes are also used to achieve other objectives; sectoral allocation of resources, curb negative externalities, redistribution of income and wealth, etc.  In this article, we consider the purely financial aspect of taxes.
[4] Master Circular – Operational Guidelines for Primary Dealers, Reserve Bank of India, July 1, 2015,
[5] Éric Tymoigne, Modern Money Theory and Interrelations between the Treasury and the Central
Bank: The Case of the United States, Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, Working Paper # 788, March 2014,;jsessionid=89DEA9B2158162AA06 B4840477ABF6D8?doi=  

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Modern Money Theory: Alternative to Neoliberal Macroeconomics

Just recently I received something interesting on Tweeter; the Second Bill of Rights proposed by U.S. President, Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1944.  Frankly, I have never seen a better articulated set of macroeconomic objectives that is more relevant than ever, globally.

·         The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the Nation;
·         The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
·         The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living; 
·         The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
·         The right of every family to a decent home;
·         The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
·         The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
·         The right to a good education.

And what’s particularly important here is that it is a Bill of Rights, unequivocally epitomizing a rights-based approach to development.  However, questions will immediately be raised on its financial feasibility; in particular, where does the government get the money to satisfy claims of millions of people?  From taxpayers?  By borrowing in financial markets?  But wouldn’t this “crowd out” private sector investment and consumption spending?  Or even worse wouldn’t borrowing breach the public debt target of 60% of GDP?  And wouldn’t government spending raise the fiscal deficit?  Hasn’t this been capped at 3% of GDP?

A move towards a rights-based approach to development will remain a non-starter as long as answers to these questions are sought within the framework of neoliberal macroeconomics. And this is indeed the problem today in India; everyone agrees that we need to create a million jobs a month – but how?  Nobody seems to have a definitive answer. It is therefore imperative to replace the narrative of austerity by rejecting the emphasis of mainstream macroeconomics on (low and stable) inflation targeting and in turn, on the fiscal deficit target.  The only theoretically and institutionally sound economic paradigm available today to accommodate a rights-based approach to development is Modern Money Theory (MMT).  Not only does it bring back full employment with a job guarantee program (MNREGA was a partial step in this direction) as the core objective of macroeconomic policy but also allows the state to expand its role in other social sectors.
Drawing upon the ideas of John Maynard Keynes, MMT demystifies the institution of modern fiat money; money that is not backed by any physical asset like gold or silver.  Presently, economically sovereign states issue their own fiat money (members of the European Monetary Union are not in a position to do so).  In such a situation there is no limit to the currency a state can issue – all constraints like, for instance, the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act 2003 in India, are only self-imposed and not, economically speaking, binding.

A fundamental question must be posed here; why does the state issue money?  The state, to fulfill its objectives, must transfer real resources from the private to the public sector.  In doing so, it issues its IOU (I owe you) or money in exchange for the resources transferred to it.  But why would the private sector accept these IOUs (which are merely recorded in computers or pieces of paper)?  Because the private sector must settle its obligations to the state – taxes, penalties, fines, etc. – in this money only.  This is what is meant by the term “legal tender”; the state will accept only its own IOUs to settle all claims made by it on the private sector.  MMTers therefore assert that taxes drive money.  The state does not need its own IOUs to spend.  Instead, the private sector needs the state to spend and issue its IOUs so that it can settle tax obligations to and other claims of the state.

Based on this fundamental insight on fiat money, let me attempt to reveal the meaninglessness of arbitrary fiscal deficit target numbers like 3% of GDP, which unfortunately drives macroeconomic discourse.  One has only to read through the basis of country ratings to realize the importance accorded to this number which has been elevated to the status of a core macroeconomic objective when it should be considered as nothing more than a policy tool of the government.  Simply put, the fiscal deficit is government spending less its “revenues” of which taxes are a major component.  In other words, the deficit comprises of injections made by the government less what is drained out as taxes from the private sector’s increased purchasing power accruing from these injections.  When the government spends more than it sucks out of the system, the balance adds to the money available with the private sector to spend on goods and services.  What happens when the government runs a fiscal surplus?  It sucks out more than it injects leaving the private sector with either a liability to the government or forcing it to dip into its stock of savings to settle tax obligations.  Which option would the private sector prefer; a fiscal deficit or surplus?  A deficit, of course.

It is also important to understand that theoretically speaking spending by the government must come before collection of taxes; the government collects taxes only in the unit of account defined by it (the rupee) and the money thing specified by it (cash or reserve money held by commercial banks with the central bank).  The latter, however, can be created only when the government spends or when the central bank (an institution of the state) does so.  Unless adequate reserve money or cash exists in the system, it is impossible for the private sector to settle its tax obligations to the government.

A final question; apart from making its IOUs acceptable to the private sector, what is the function of taxes?  Taxes, as we have seen, drain money or purchasing power injected by the government spending thereby checking inflation.   A narrow income or direct tax base compels the state to drain surplus purchasing power from a few people or companies in the private sector thereby imposing a skewed burden on them and distorting incentives on productive activity.  To avoid this, the state may resort to the imposition of indirect taxes to drain purchasing power, which are, however, regressive in nature and also less preferred than direct taxation for their distortionary effect on relative prices particularly when differential tax rates are imposed on goods and services.

From this simple understanding of modern fiat money, MMT rejects the notion of arbitrary fiscal deficit target numbers.  What is important is that the state can spend any amount of money it desires.  However, when such spending is unable to raise productivity and/or alleviate supply-side constraints, it could result in inflation.  MMT, however, implies a fundamental shift in the narrative; at a macro level, economies face only real resource and governance constraints, not financial constraints in their own currency.  The problem therefore is not availability of money but how effectively it is spent.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

My latest research from a heterodox macroeconomics perspective

Earlier this year, I had undertaken to carry out a few country studies from a heterodox macroeconomic perspective.  Three of them have now been published:
  1. China’s macroeconomic policy options: a sectoral financial balances approach,Studies in Business & Economics, 2016, 11(1): 152-163.

  2. Cracks in BRICs: a sectoral financial balances analysis and implications for macroeconomic policy, Theoretical and Applied Economics, 23(3), Autumn: 53-78.

  3. Can a country really go broke? Deconstructing Saudi Arabia’s macroeconomic crisis, Real World Economics Review, Issue 76, September 2016: 75-94.

    The above articles can be read at:
Looking forward to some critical comments.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Growth rate predictions!

Students often ask how economists arrive at their growth forecast.  Quite arbitrary I would say.

Here is an excerpt from a question posed to Arvind Subramanian, Chief Economic Advisor.

"Analysts are projecting GDP growth near about 7 per cent — Moody’s for instance talks about 7 per cent, Fitch says 7.8 per cent and Standard Chartered Bank 7.3 per cent versus 7.7 per cent earlier — and this is on the back of FY15 GDP growth coming in at 7.3 per cent. Are we still within this range including the lowest forecast by Moody’s at around 7 per cent?"

The interview can be read at:

Monday, December 29, 2014

Exogenous v/s. Endogenous Money Theory!

I found this statement by Raghuram Rajan in the Deccan Herald of December 29, 2014 (p.13):

"Some budgetary incentives for household savings could help ensure that the country's investment is largely financed from domestic savings ... Domestic demand has to be financed responsibly, as far as possible through domestic savings."

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

How mainstream macroeconomics thinking finds its way into popular discourse.

Two excerpts from articles that appeared in the Livemint of 20 October 2014 show how the need to achieve a fiscal deficit target is becoming an end in itself.  More than the fiscal deficit number per se the debate needs to focus on the real effects of subsidies in distorting resource allocation (if that is so) and the unproductive expenditure of the government that fails to ease supply side constraints and raise productivity.  There is surely space for an MMT perspective on these issues.

Is the centre finally cracking down on subsidies?
Decisions on diesel prices and cooking gas subsidy will help meet centre’s fiscal deficit target of 4.1% of GDP

Remya Nair
The move will also enable the government to meet its fiscal deficit target of 4.1% of gross domestic product (GDP), even after taking into account the expected shortfall in revenue collections.
A Union cabinet minister, who did not wish to be identified, pointed out that the government cannot afford to continue with the current subsidy regime. “There are no freebies. We cannot afford to bankrupt the state exchequer,” the minister said, signalling the central government’s intent to overhaul the subsidy regime.

What it takes to make in India
The first and most important condition for manufacturing success in India is to have a low inflation regime

Narayan Ramachandran 

The first task in ensuring a low inflation environment is to eliminate the primary deficit. This deficit is the difference between the total revenue and total expenditure of the government with debt payments netted out of the calculation. India must begin to deliver upon both a primary and fiscal deficit target as measures of fiscal consolidation in its annual budget. The elimination of the primary deficit and a reduction in the fiscal deficit (to say 2.5% of GDP) will ensure that we live within our means each year, do not increase the stock of debt and crowd out less capital from the productive economy.

Friday, September 19, 2014

IMF, India's fiscal deficits and the need to question the obvious

I just read a news report from Business Today (19-Sept-2014) that speaks of the IMF asking the RBI to raise interest rates.  The infatuation over fiscal deficits as being the most serious problem that Indian macroeconomic policy needs to address runs throughout the article.  But there were also some contradictions that I came across, reading between the lines.  Here are some statements from the article that I want to highlight:

"...IMF said the government needed to take more steps to reduce stubbornly high inflation and the large fiscal deficit."

"The IMF said removing supply bottlenecks would lead to more sustainable growth. It also called for increasing public spending on infrastructure to ease supply bottlenecks and support economic development."

"While lauding the new government's emphasis on fiscal consolidation, it said "the quality and durability of the consolidation remain a cause of concern.""

"The government proposes to bring down the fiscal deficit to 4.1 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) in current year from 4.5 per cent last fiscal ... fiscal deficit has to be brought down to three per cent of the GDP by 2016-17."

On the one hand the IMF wants to cut the fiscal deficit while at the same time they want an increase in public spending on infrastructure.  When they say the quality of the deficit is important, what do they mean?  What are the items that the government should cut spending on?

Also, like MMT warns us, why this concern about fiscal deficit numbers like 4.1% and 3% of GDP?  Will achieving these numbers solve India's macroeconomic problems?

It's time for MMTers to question what is now being seen as obvious in India.

Follow this link to read the article in Business Today:

My book entitled, "In Search of Stability:  Economics of Money, History of the Rupee" should be out soon.  As the title suggests, I have traced the history of the rupee from 1542 to 1971 and added an epilogue which extends the study up to present times,  All this is done from a positive economics standpoint.  The book, however, does not take a critical stand on the colonial regime by asking what would have happened if things had been different; say, for instance, if India would have been better off had we moved on to a gold standard instead of the gold exchange standard in the late 19th century.  Rather we explore what the gold exchange standard was and its implications of price and exchange rate stability for India.  With this understanding, students and economic historians could pose more critical questions for further study.  The book has been accepted for publication by Manohar Book Publishers, New Delhi, India.

After completing the book I was keen to further explore the more recent history of the rupee, specifically post-1971.  It is while to trying to find a suitable theoretical framework within which I could place my study that I came across Modern Money Theory or MMT.  Over the last few months I have gone through several books, blogs and videos by the main proponents of MMT.  It's not only fascinating but has opened up a whole new world for me.  I had studied Keynesian macroeoconomics during my M.A. at Bombay (now Mumbai) University but was then exposed to a completely different macroeconomics at Cornell while doing my Ph.D.; if I recollect rightly it was dynamic optimization (micro was supposedly static optimization).  Confused about what I was really learning from all those models, my interests shifted altogether to political economy.  Luckily for me I got back to teaching Macroeconomics 101 to management students in India and have been able to hold on to simple Keynesian theory.

My interest in the economic history of the rupee and Keynesian macroeconomics somehow comes together when I read through the literature on MMT.  As I mentioned, it has opened a new window for me to understand fiscal and monetary policies in India today.

I will share things that I come across from sources including newspapers, magazines and TV that I think are important and need a re-look.  I do not intend to make any theoretical contribution to MMT right now at least; those interested could Google "modern money theory" and easily find material from the masters. I think there is a dire need of MMT for India; this is where I hope to make some contribution.